What would you do?
Have u ever come across a situation when uv had to unwillingly hurt someone. When you know that what u were gonna say or already did would cause pain but there was no other alternative but to come clean???
You find urself in a state of confusion. You think back and regret your act even though u were so sure u had to do it. And in that moment u probably feel smaller than never before. Low self-esteem, self-blame, depression, anxiety...the whole i-hate-myself-for-what-i-did wheel sets in. And u feel scared to talk to or face your 'victim' ever again?
There's a reason why iv put 'victim' in quotes. And that's cos in such cases, the idea is to protect the other person from becoming one in the first place. Sadly, in the gamut of emotions that ensue, that isnt understood. The only justification for knowingly hurting someone is so that it doesnt get worse later.
Its a tricky situation. One in which, neither party can be blamed. One feels used, the other gets abused....
Life aint jus a bed of roses, they come with the thorns as well. But its better to get pricked and heal faster than to get cut and suffer in wut seems eternal pain.
hmmmm... how true...
but is there some way to avoid this uncomfortable situation? to avoid the deep s#%*hole that we've dug for ourselves???
What would I do???
i look at it as a means of getting out of a shithole rather than digging one in the first place. thats life i guess. sometimes unpleasant, but ull always learn.
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