This is something that i think only bloggers would relate to and its gotta do with deciding what ur next post is gonna be on!!!
yes...iv been thinking for a while on the topic of a post and so far nothing's struck me yet...i thought id go through a few blogs here and there for some inspiration but alas..i got none!!!so, for the lack of having anything else to write about, i thought id share my blog surfing experiences.
type1: There are those bloggers who've made their lives an open diary. They write about useless and mundane things (both to them and the outside world) from why their milkman didnt turn up in the morning to how their underwears all turned pink (seriously!!) Ms. LisaAnne Toe-mi is one such blogger. She claims that writing is therapeutic. I beg to differ. One look at her blog and u feel ther-a-puke-it.
type2: Then there are those who draw inspiration from the most unlikely things in this world. iv read posts with topics ranging from ten different ways of eating dosas to the ambiguity of the temperature of water in hot and cold taps. A few of them are really hilarious (Mr.Dee Day) whilst the rest simply fall flat (Mr. Pee Day).
type3: Mr. O. Pin Yen's blog was of a different kind from the rest. He had a say on every issue he could lay his eyes on in the newspaper. Some of them did seem relevant and justified. The rest seemed to be views on topics he forced himself to think about. (Eg: Latest studies suggest chickens meaowed in the eighth century).
type4: Mr. Sigh Yen's (brother of Mr. O. Pin Yen) blog was filled with entries on discoveries and new technologies. His toothy smile and large black framed glasses adorned the top of every page lending a geeky aura to what he thought was his charming persona. His profile too didnt seem connected to the theme of his blog. Had some thing like "please male if u female...."..whatever...
type5: Some people's blog are full of poems and stories. Some stories too long to stay awake through, And lots of poems meaning absolutely nothing. The funniest thing i notice in people's poems are lines that are used only to achieve rhythm and rhyme and which do not relate to the context of the poem itself. Classic Example #108763547:
"i look to the sun, setting in the west
in it's full glory, in it's sunday best"
- an excerpt from Ms. I. Kahn Tright's blogtype6: These contain jus one line "Testing Testing: This is my first post."duh!
These are just a few examples from the millions that are lurking out there. And im sure if i snoop around long enough ill have more to add, which brings me to the last (for now) type:
type7: These blogs have varied content. No central theme as such. And the authors seem a bit mentally unbalanced. They have harsh words for other people's blogs not knowing that their own could be a victim of somebody else's wrath!! They are ruthless with people who leave behind comments that are not full of praise or admiration or appreciation for their posts. Infact they are known to hunt these people down erasing all traces of their victim's existence. You ought to be cautious while trudging on their territory. So be warned. There was one such blog that looked extremely sinister. Dont remember the name of it clearly. I think it had to something with a far (mumble mumble)...milky...(mumble mumble) away galaxy.....(mumble mumble)...